Don't Miss a Moment, Never Lose a Memory!
Easily capture and share your child’s development so you’ll never forget. From fun pictures and stories to developmental milestones.
Many young parents drop their children off at preschool or child care programs on their way to work. The day is then filled with information – traffic reports, updates from friends, sports scores, news from around the world, stock portfolio performance, notice of a colleague’s promotion and a cousin’s birthday. Yet, with all this information, only one thing is constantly on their mind.
How is my child? Did she eat her lunch? Did she have her nap this afternoon? Did I leave enough diapers? Is she getting along with the other kids today? What mood will she be in when I pick her up? Is he still as upset as when I dropped him off? I wonder what he’s learning about today? Is he happy today?
HiMama was created to answer these questions – informing parents about their children’s well-being and engaging parents in their children’s learning and development while they’re in a preschool or child care program.